Art: A Lovely Grin

"Untitled" painting by Deborah Figueroa

Untitled” by Deborah Figueroa (acrylic paint on canvas).

Lili’s 14-year-old sister Deborah made this painting. Deborah is a wonderful, brilliant person, and her art and writing are uniquely fantastic. Her perspectives and ideas are really interesting. The years of terrible child abuse have broken Deborah down pretty far, but she is still growing and doing the best she can every day. (See this post and this post to learn about the abuse Lili’s sisters are going through. UPDATE: After a lengthy CPS case we are now guardians for the children, and they live safely with us.) Deborah really cares a lot about her sisters, and tries to do whatever she can to help and protect them. I hope Deborah will keep writing and making art. I’m always excited to see anything she creates.